Calorie Calculator

Today you can find out exactly the number of calories in each item on the menu so you can enjoy your favorite Taza meal with full knowledge of the calorie count. You can also learn how to mix and match menu items to design your meal at the click of a button. It’s easy to use and gives you the exact calorie count not only per menu item but also a breakdown of how many calories are in the chicken breast skinless, or with the crunchy skin intact, or you may just want to eat the wings and drumsticks and save the rest for later. Using the counter you can manage your calorie intake as and when required, allowing yourself a few calories in reserve to indulge in whatever you like on a special occasion… Enjoy!

Product Image {{mc.MDL_NAME1}}
(Cal  {{mc.MDL_CALORIES}})
Total Calories
{{TotalCalories}} kcals

Nutritional Information {{totalItem}} item(s)

{{cal.MDL_NAME1}} Cal  {{cal.MDL_CALORIES}}
Nutrition values are based on average figures and on standard product formulation. Actual serving size and nutrient values may vary. Ingredients are subject to seasonal and other variations. Nutrition values and serving size do not apply to special customer orders. This information is current as of 2021.

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